Retrieving all tasks in a process


Camunda 8.5 self-managed.

Is there a way to get a list of all the tasks in a process by processInstanceId?

I tried using the tasklist rest api: tasklist/v1/tasks/search , but this returns only the active task.
Also tried the operate rest api : operate/v1/flownode-instances/search , but this returns only the list of tasks up to the active task, not the tasks folowing it.

Actually the v1/tasks/search operation do returns more than the active task. The response is an array, and for each item the taskState value can be any one of these: CREATED, COMPLETED, CANCELED, FAILED. Maybe your process instance have not created more tasks than the first one yet?

That is weird because with filter : “{
“processInstanceKey”: “processId”
I get only one task returned. Is there maybe some default filter that I need to override?
I’m looking to re-create a view similar to the operate/processes , so I need to get all the nodes (tasks) without parsing the xml model.

It won’t truly be possible to show the tasks after the active task, since there can be gateways that impact whether or not the task will be created.