I’m thinking to make a POC about retries to call external services, like a mail server…
I read this Error Handling | docs.camunda.org but i think it is too"heavy" for a simple retry. I make it in java but, I think this retry must be implemented in the modeler somehow like a variable in a task but I don’t found any like that.
Is it possible to do it as I thought?
Best Regards,
What does your mail server failure look like?
Do you want this error to perform a “catch” and do something, or you want the error to trigger a incident and rollback to previous save point?
I want something like that:
while (true) {
try {
}catch(Exception e) {
if(count>maxTries) {
throw new Exception(“Something”);
}else {
But if is possible to configure for each external call without making a boundary error event with timer etc…
If it isn’t possible i make it java, but I’m looking for a way to make it easy if possible with the bpmn
So you could do this with both the incidents and a business error event. by default camunda will try the activity a total of 3 times. This means if you throw a error it will attempt another 2 times.
If you want more control, you can use hte business error or use a gateway.
if you look at: https://medium.com/@stephenrussett/throwing-bpmn-errors-with-javascript-in-camunda-c678f4b7d9ff and instead of pointing to a user task in a error event, you can point to a gateway that decides what the count it as per your code above
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Is this a configurable variable?
Thx I was searching something like that but i didn’t found it it’s perfect
It looks very very interesting, I was searching plugins like that thanks for the help, has been very useful