Retry Time Cycle functionality camunda 8

How can we configure retry attempts for service tasks, similar to the functionality of retry time cycle in camunda 7? For example we would like for certain tasks to have a retry policy of 10 retries with a 10 minute interval in between.
An approach would be to throw errors and navigate to timer catch events before returning to the same service task, but we are afraid this approach may overcomplicate BPMNs.
An alternative approach we were thinking of trying, is to not complete a job by a job worker and configure a job timeout that suits our needs. Would this approach be feasible , and if we followed it would this mean that we would have threads blocked until job completion?
Performance-wise is there any better approach to achieve the same result?

Hi @ntheodoropoulos,

you have to place this in your worker:

   client.newFailCommand(job).retries(job.getRetries() - 1).retryBackoff(Duration.ofSeconds(60)).send();

Right now, there is no dedicated property to set the retryBackoff in the process model.

But you could use a header for this and get the value with job.getCustomHeaders().get("retryBackoff").

Hope this helps, Ingo

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