Rocks DB externalisation from zeebe


I have a restriction to have containers without a statefulSet.
Wanted to check if there is an option to align with this setup.
Either can externalise rocks DB into separate container (any link for reference)
or replace with any other DB like Cosmos etc.

Kindly suggest

Hey @aasthana4

thanks for trying Zeebe. Could you explain why this restriction exist? You can disable the PVC usage in the helm charts via zeebe.persistenceType see camunda-platform-helm/charts/camunda-platform at main · camunda/camunda-platform-helm · GitHub Does this maybe help?

It is not possible for a user to externalise or swap the db implementation. You can do this on code level and build your own image if this is really necessary.


Thanks @Zelldon for the response.
For your question, all the cloud based solutions are channeled through a k8s wrapper which is having this restriction.
Would explore the option you shared to see which persistenceType serves me better.

Is there any restriction around using anything apart from ‘disk’ ?