Run Camunda engine in development mode

I am writing some minor modifications for the community edition. I cloned the repository from github and imported it in Intellij and built it using Maven. I would like to run just the engine from the Intellij and test my modification. Is that possible?

@Dimitrios you can run complete camunda module or part of module (process engine, cockpit, admin, tasklist apps) .

Even you can test the BPMN model using junit test cases

Hi thanks for your reply,

I would like to run the process engine and the rest engine without running tomcat and the webapp. Is there a specific module that I can run to that end?

You can setup like spring boot application where you can add camunda starters and rest dependencies

Refer this tutorial:

So as it stands right now in the picture I must only add the spring dependencies in the root pom.xml, create an entry point for Spring Boot Application, then build and run? (I am new to Spring)

@aravindhrs can you please help?