Is it possible to run out of the box webapps (Cockpit, Tasklist, Admin) as standalone angularjs apps that can communicate with a standalone process engine via RESTFul websevices. Something similar to below architecture where Remote Applications will be OOTB angularjs webapps from camunda.
They apps are built to communicate to a local engine via their own secure rest end point.
So you can’t really start them up own their own without the engine. that said, the engine can act as a gateway for the webapps. by turning off the job executor the engine will never do any work. It will only be a service for webapp requests.
Thanks @Niall for sharing this useful tip, we got some direction. Couple of follow up questions.
When you say local engine can act as a gateway, can we redirect http calls received from webapps to the local engine to a different process engine hosted on a different server ? If so can you please share any available documentation on this approach ?
Searched entire webapps folder and only found below config under “/src/test/resources”. Does this mean job executor is disabled by default on the local engine? if not, can you please help on how to turn it off ?