Running dynamic DMN in BPMN

I try to execute a dynamic DMN inside of a BPMN with the Business Rule Task.
I want to define exactly which DMN should be executed by having the DMN_ID and the VERSION_ID defined as parameters to the BPMN.
I am able to define the Decision ID dynamic but I cannot set the Version tag as defined by a variable.
Is there a way to define exactly which DMN should be executed?

I am working with Camunda 8


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Hi @Edmund ,

I see your problem here. I think it would make sense to change the version tag field so that allows for a FEEL expression.
I’ll reach out to the team and find out if this something implementable in the near future.


That would be great, Thanks

I switched to unique ID names (for breaking changes) and latest. This simplifies everything and at least with Camunda 7 has the best support from Camunda.

sounds nice but I cannot find a way to define the UniqueId name in the Business rule task. There is only Decision ID + Version Id, or latest or deployment.


Yes this requires, that you have control over the DMN, where you have to set the Decision ID with Version, like this:

Unfortunately we don’t have control over the DMNs. They are created by our Business users.
