Greetings. I am new to Camunda, but have stepped through several of the videos, and have read most of the “Real Life BPMN” book. My assigned task is to design and execute a BPMN/DMN workflow such that the underlying software driving the workflow is consistent with my colleagues’ existing development “toolbox”. Accordingly, I will likely use Camunda’s REST API, using Python 3 (not Jython) with either Requests or Flask. Certainly, if anyone has some thoughts as to the more appropriate Python REST framework, they would be most appreciated.
My main issue is that I cannot find an example of a realistic REST API use case. The REST API video covers a rather rudimentary use case (as one would expect), using Postman. And Camunda provides an amazingly comprehensive on-line REST API reference. I am looking for something “in between” – a narrative of how a small-to-moderate use case employs some of the APIs in its workflow, and uses the API to move the token(s) along the BPMN diagram.
Thank you in advance for any suggestions or links.