SAXException while parsing input stream

I deployed a new instance of Zeebe Cluster and Operate (1.0.0.rc2) and a fresh instance of ElasticSearch 7.12.1 this morning into my Docker for Windows Kubernetes cluster.

I’m not able to upload BPMNs via Zeebe Modeler due to an error, so I tried to use ZBCTL. I was able to deploy one file, but now, no matter what I do, I keep getting:

Error: rpc error: code = InvalidArgument desc = Command ‘CREATE’ rejected with code ‘INVALID_ARGUMENT’: Expected to deploy new resources, but encountered the following errors: ‘ControlPlaneWorkflow.bpmn’ : SAXException while parsing input stream.

Anyone have any ideas on how to either get the Modeler to upload to Zeebe, or to remediate the ZBCTL issue?

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Hi @Daniel_Williams

  1. You need to check the version of zbctl that you are using.

There was a breaking change in the DeployProcess gRPC API in alpha7.

  1. You need to check your model. Make the simplest possible model - a start event and an end event. Make sure the id and name are set, then use this as your test to see if the deployment method is fine and it is the model that has an error.
