I deployed a new instance of Zeebe Cluster and Operate (1.0.0.rc2) and a fresh instance of ElasticSearch 7.12.1 this morning into my Docker for Windows Kubernetes cluster.
I’m not able to upload BPMNs via Zeebe Modeler due to an error, so I tried to use ZBCTL. I was able to deploy one file, but now, no matter what I do, I keep getting:
Error: rpc error: code = InvalidArgument desc = Command ‘CREATE’ rejected with code ‘INVALID_ARGUMENT’: Expected to deploy new resources, but encountered the following errors: ‘ControlPlaneWorkflow.bpmn’ : SAXException while parsing input stream.
Anyone have any ideas on how to either get the Modeler to upload to Zeebe, or to remediate the ZBCTL issue?