Script Task to set Variable

Hi Team,
I am using Camunda 7.19.
I am trying to use script task where I need to just get the variable and need to update the variable. Can somone help me on the same ?
I am not able to find good bpmn sample file. I found in 7.15. but expecting 7.19. Thanks in Advance

Hi @vinothkumar!

You can simply create or update process variables using Script Tasks. I provided an
create_and_update_variable.bpmn (3.4 KB)
file where I used the javascript format and an inline script. Within the script you have access to the context variable exeuction providing the DelegateExecution Interface (DelegateExecution (Camunda Platform Javadocs 7.21.0-alpha1-ee)).

You can find more about accessible context variables in the official docs (Expression Language |

Hope it helps!

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