Serialization not working

I am trying to populate a select with options from a variable following the tutorial:

Unfortunately it does not work and I get an error:

Cannot instantiate process definition approve-car-rent-process:1:c9d1731b-2c2c-11e8-a8f2-e4a471e82f74: Cannot find serializer for value ‘ObjectValue [value={001=Nissan, 002=VW Golf, 003=BMW Series 3}, isDeserialized=true, serializationDataFormat=application/json, objectTypeName=null, serializedValue=null]’.

My code:

public class AvailableCars implements ExecutionListener {

public void notify(DelegateExecution execution) throws Exception {
    Map<String, String> cars = new HashMap<>();
    cars.put("001", "Nissan");
    cars.put("002", "VW Golf");
    cars.put("003", "BMW Series 3");

    execution.setVariable("cars", objectValue(cars) .serializationDataFormat(Variables.SerializationDataFormats.JSON).create());


My template:

<div class="form-group">
    <label for="car">Car</label>
    <select cam-variable-name="car"

Please advise.

Best Regards
Alexander KIRILOV

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Hi Alexander,

Make sure Spin integration is properly configured as described here:


Thank you Thorben, you have pointed me in the right direction. It turned out I was missing the following dependency in the pom:


And since I am using spring boot, the rest was autoconfigured by the starter:

Thank you and have a great day!