SerializationDataFormats Multi Instance Element Variable

Dear Community,

I need some help with the SerializationDataFormats of a multi instance sub process.

I am initializing a list using:


And then I want to iterate over the contacts in a multi instance sub proces. I define contacts as collection and define “contact” as element variable. I hoped that Camunda would use the same SerializationDataFormat. However, when i inspect the variable in the cockpit, “contact” is not persisted as JSON.


How can I instruct Camunda to serialize as JSON when using multi instance element variable?

Any hint is appreciated.

Hi @philipp.hehnle

Set the engine’s default serialization to application/json

In Camunda Run or Camunda springboot, below is the property to set:


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Is the subprocess contained in the same application as the calling process? What is the serialisation format set to? I assume it’s not JSON, otherwise you wouldn’t need to set it explicitly for the variable.

As to the serialisation “inheritance”: I would not expect it. IMO the element variable should be serialised according to the format set for the engine.

        <property name="javaSerializationFormatEnabled">true</property>

Usage Explanation:

The <property name="javaSerializationFormatEnabled">true</property> setting is used to enable Java serialization as a supported format for process variables in Camunda BPM. This allows Java objects to be stored and retrieved from the process engine’s database during process execution.

When to Use:

  • Custom Java Objects as Process Variables:
    • If you need to store complex Java objects (e.g., custom classes) as process variables.
  • Serialization for Inter-Process Communication:
    • When serialized Java objects are required for communication between different processes or systems.
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