We have the following serviceTask:
<bpmn:serviceTask camunda:class="actio.engine.servicetasks.SignDocument"
<camunda:inputParameter name="signataris">
<camunda:entry key="nomComplet">${nif1}</camunda:entry>
<camunda:entry key="nif">${nif1}</camunda:entry>
<camunda:entry key="nomComplet">${nif2}</camunda:entry>
<camunda:entry key="nif">${nif2}</camunda:entry>
<camunda:entry key="nomComplet">${nif3}</camunda:entry>
<camunda:entry key="nif">${nif3}</camunda:entry>
The implementation of such task is a groovy class:
class SignDocument implements JavaDelegate {
public void execute (DelegateExecution ex) {
def signataris = []
ex.getVariable('signataris')?.each {
signataris << it
if (log.debugEnabled) log.debug "SIGNATARIS: " + signtaris
The problem is when variable ‘signataris’ (people that may sign a document) is printed, they appear in a different order than the list is declared. It seems to be a random behaviour, but I get most times the corresponding ${nif3} in the 1st place of the list.
Has anybody faced such problem? Any solution?
I could add an index to the list and sort it in the implementation class as a workaround, but I think the order in the list should be kept as declared in the camunda:inputParameter element.