Is it possible to set timer duration from an execution variable?
Is there any other ways to externally set a timer rather than configuring in the timer defintion.
Thanks and Regards,
Vinu S
Is it possible to set timer duration from an execution variable?
Is there any other ways to externally set a timer rather than configuring in the timer defintion.
Thanks and Regards,
Vinu S
when i try to declare the timer definition with some variable as mentioned above, am getting the below error.
Cannot instantiate process definition. Timer ‘Timer1’ was not configured with a valid duration/time, either hand in a java.util.Date or a String in format 'yyyy-MM-dd’T’hh:mm:ss’
Vinu S
Try something like let timerDefinition = new Date().toISOString().replace(/Z$/, "UTC+00:00");
( js implementation ), Also this is the doc you might be looking for