Should task topic be unique amongst processes?

I have a task named “see business rule results” in a BPMN process, and a similar one exactly with the same topic in another process.
What I witnessed live was a collision, with the process beginning on the external task id’s of the original process, and then it’s switching the task with the same topic on one of my other processes.

My business key, though not very user-friendly, is a timestamp so it’s unlikely that the collision comes from it. The worker id is the same since the two processes are used by the same PHP service (I work with external tasks). And as I said, task topic is the same.

Where do you think the collision is from ? Thanks and good afternoon :slight_smile:

It is not clear to me what you mean with collision. Can you give a more detailed example? If you define two activities with the same task topic id, then external task instances may be fetched in any order regardless to which process definition and instance they belong.

Okay, this is something I’ll pay attention to in the future.
I just forgot the id aspect of task topic, and took this for a mere short description. So I grabbed a task on another process.

The idea of the topic concept is that external task implementations can be reused across process definitions, for example if you have a service for preparing a shipment, then you can have any number of activities with that topic and only one implementation.

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