Showing my information in camunda

In postman, I can see my output but in camunda, it doesn’t show the output. In fact, the same codes are running and in postman, I can see but in camunda I can’t.

How can I show my output in camunda?

Hello @erfannvb ,

I can not follow you right now. Which output do you mean?


camunda output

Hello @erfannvb ,

still, this is not precise enough. Could you please provide a screenshot or some context?


in spring boot I have this code
public ResponseEntity<List> getMembersByGroupName(@PathVariable(“groupName”) String groupName) {
return new ResponseEntity<List>(groupMemberRepository.findByGroupName(groupName), HttpStatus.OK);

And in postman I can have the output like this

and I want to have the output in camunda but I don’t know how to do it

Hello @erfannvb ,

this is great, thank you. Basically, you want to call a REST API. For this, we have an example project set up on Github:

Here is some example code.


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Thank you so much @jonathan.lukas

Hi again @jonathan.lukas.
I couldn’t solve my problem yet.
in postman there is a panel for showing the ouput. In camunda there is nothing to show the ouput (something like a list or a textbox).

Hello @erfannvb ,

after you fetched the data from your REST endpoint, you saved it as variable to your process instance? In this case, this data is now available inside your process instance. You can inspect it from inside the Cockpit first. For further processing, you can add more service tasks and for visualisation, you can add a User Task.


Actually, as I am new to camunda, I did not save the data to my process instance.
In fact, I don’t know how to do it (I mean how to save the data as a variable to the process instance).
I’d be glad if you could help me. Thank you
and another thing that I have to say is that my Spring Boot Project and Camunda Project are separate.

Hello @erfannvb ,

can you provide me with a link to your repo (github or gitlab) via pm or public if you like.

Also, is your project just a side project or professional?


Hello @jonathan.lukas ,
This is a side project
GitHub - erfannvb/TestProject.