I am stuck with a problem regarding signal events and business keys.
I have 3 processes. Process A sends a signal event to the other processes which have a signal start event attached.
But now I need to use a unique business key for every process so that i can send messages between multiple instances.
I found the “Pass a business key” which attaches a extensionElement with a Camunda:In business key. but when i try to send a signal event with a business key in json format i still get a null business key.
Tried like that:
“name”: “startSignal”,
“businessKey”: “123”
Is there some other way to start a process with a signal event attached with a business key?
If not, how can i manage to communicate with multiple instances, how to get the right one? ProcessID? Deployment ID? ← but i cannot access before deploying. …
Thanks for help