I’m using Camunda Run 7.18 and the API REST.
After searching for many days, I still can’t find the way to send the BusinessKey with a Signal Start Event and a POST request.
Below the extract of my bpmn file based on documentation at Signal Events | docs.camunda.org.
Whatever I’ve tried, the process start but the businessKey is not set. I can only see the variable.
<bpmn:startEvent id="StartEvent_1">
<bpmn:signalEventDefinition id="SignalEventDefinition_0zgilgu" signalRef="Signal_2kqubni">
<camunda:in businessKey="${execution.processBusinessKey}" /> (or =${variableName} or ="555")
and my post to {{baseUrl}}/signal
"name": "SIGNAL_NEW",
"variables": {
"processBusinessKey": {
Someone has been successful?