Simple pom for spring boot based camunda enterprise edition

Looking for a simple pom.xml for spring boot based camunda enterprise edition alone.
The examples I have come across are having 2 many details for keeping it flexible for all which is confusing. I do have EE license which I can incorporate in the subsequent build.


Hi, i came across the following link which seems to be acceptable to my basic level of understanding .

Q : The spring boot with camunda starts up and i am able to trigger a process which finishes. but I do not see the Enterprise Edition feature like the history . I have dropped the license key into the src/main/resource folder … Is there any other step i am missing ?


Hi @ppbiz,

Did you use this dependency:

Here is the history view included.

Hope this helps, Ingo

The issue seem to be rectified by changing the Spring boot parent to 2.1.1.RELEASE instead of 2.1.3 … made the change based on the version comparisons listed on 1 of the camunda help pages.
But have a leading question … Now i do see the page where it asks for License on the Browser under System tab … but my understanding is that the same key can be loaded via dropping the license text key in the src/main/resource … if so, it hasnt worked so far ?

it auto-detects the license file if it is named “camunda-license.txt”, see

@jangalinski :slight_smile:thanks for replying … but i have the file under sr/main/resources with the same name and extension, case etc … not picking it as of yet…
To confirm that the license key is valid string i added it from the browser and it worked… so that tell me there is something i am missing that it doesnt pick from the classpath

Did it work for anyone else via the auto-detect / class-path option of loading the license key ?
My configuration :
Spring-Boot: (v2.1.1.RELEASE)
Camunda BPM: (v7.10.0-ee)
Camunda BPM Spring Boot Starter: (v3.2.0)

This video could help:

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There was an issue, which is solved meanwhile in the spring-boot-starter 3.x:

We switched to inserting the license ourselves with Liquibase. If you cannot easily upgrade, this might be an option for you as well.

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