SLA Matrix In Camunda

Hi Everybody
I Have been using camunda for workflows from the past 1 year.

I want to implement a functionality in camunda regarding sla (escalation matrix)

For Eg-When the workflow starts , the task(userTask) moves to the first person/group,(in my case it is pricing team), now i want the user to complete the task within a stipulated time to avoid escalation,failing to which the next user/group in the workflow should be notified regarding this.

Below is my bpmn diagram[CvmFlow.bpmn|attachment]

deviceflow.bpmn (14.8 KB)

According to the uploaded bpmn model, when the workflow starts , the task moves to PRICING TEAM(first user in the workflow), now if the PRICING TEAM user/group doesn’t complete the task in a stipulated time interval(say 24 hr), an escalation should be sent to the next task in the workflow(DEVICE TEAM).

Please suggest ways to implement this in camunda