Hi all!
I have bpmn process with user task.
So, i can dynamically set Assignee like this
and it works fine!
claim is context variable name with type Json.
Json look like this
"application_body": {
"field-uuid-69": {
"username": "someLogin",
"email": "test@mail.com"
so camunda engine evaluate this expression
as someLogin
But my question is how can i set value from array using expression?
Lets imagine i have json array:
"application_body": {
"array": [
"username": "aaLogin",
"email": "testaa@mail.com"
"username": "bbLogin",
"email": "testbb@mail.com"
"username": "ccLogin",
"email": "testcc@mail.com"
and i want camunda to evaluate to a string
“aaLogin, bbLogin, ccLogin”
so then i can split the string via regex to extract list of assignees
I dont know count of array elements before start process.
it appears in runtime
is there a way to get all properties from array?