Some questions about ServiceTask

Hi Camunda Team,

[Testing Environment]
Camunda Zeebe 8.5.1
Camunda Operate 8.5.1
JDK 21
spring-boot-starter-camunda 8.5.1
springboot 3.2.5
springcloud 2023.0.3
bpmn screenshot

Here is my code

@JobWorker(type = "test-camunda-851", autoComplete = false)
public void execute(final JobClient client, final ActivatedJob job) throws Exception {"Job-[{}] is activated, key-[{}]", job.getType(), job.getKey());
          .errorMessage("test exception")

I expect the flow node in the operate is marked red and show some exception information but there is no response. I try another way:

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    ZeebeClient client = ZeebeClient.newClientBuilder()
          .handler((zeebeClient, job) -> {
              System.out.println("job:" + job.getKey());
                         .retries(job.getRetries() - 1)
                         .errorMessage("test exception")
              System.out.println("done ~");

still no response in the operate. Did I something wrong ?

I ran the following code when I have run the code in Q1.

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    ZeebeClient client = ZeebeClient.newClientBuilder()
          .handler((zeebeClient, job) -> {
              System.out.println("job:" + job.getKey());

There is also no response. I think there is already a worker in the engine queue and I did not set the timeout in the @JobWorker in the Q1 code. How can I complete that worker (if it exist) and run a new worker ?

About [Q1]
I found a exception in the operate log.

Is this a operate bug ?

About [Q1]
There is no document about my flow instance in the export elasticsearch.
But there are a few documents about my test exception like this:

It seems like zeebe didn’t write the incident information to the elasticsearch.

Hi @i.m.superman - it looks like there is some confusion between BPMN errors and incidents - and this is a common point of confusion.

When you call newThrowErrorCommand there will be a BPMN error, which you need to explicitly handle in your model. If there is no error path, the process ends. Failing a job will result in an incident after all the retries are exhausted. This page may help:

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I test the same code on the another cluster. It works.

I solved the Q1 by rebuilding the cluster.
Another question. What does the “timeout=-1” mean in JobWorker? I don’t set the timeout (default value is -1) but the jobworker method is invoked after 5 minutes.

@i.m.superman - you can read about job worker timeouts here. The short answer is that it tells the process engine how long to wait before reassigning the job to another worker. I believe the -1 value is equivalent to “This job can take a long time and that’s ok”

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@nathan.loding I debug the worker opening process. The timeout of job worker is assigned default value (5 minutes in the class io.camunda.zeebe.client.impl.ZeebeClientBuilderImpl → defaultJobTimeout) when the annotation attribute timeout equals to -1.

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