Sometimes the Process Instances are created but sometimes they are not

I am a frontend developer. As part of our project, we are using Camunda 7.20 now updated to 7.21 version for automation of processes. We have integrated it with our application. We currently have a BPMN process to set reminders and send emails. The reminders are set in the application we built and we have integrated camunda with our application. We have observed that the process instances are created sometimes perfectly but the other they are not created although the conditions for both the cases are same. Any suggestions on where is this going wrong? Could this be due to an issue in camunda or is it the application? I am new to camunda and just started exploring so any help would be really appreciated. Thankyou.

Hi @Kolli_Harshitha

Can you please share your model?

Thankyou so much hassang for replying. After debugging the logs i found out it was an issue on the application side. But thanks a lot for quick reply.

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