Sonatype Lift Code Quality Analysis Platform Now Available in the Camunda Community Hub

Hello friends! Just a quick note that we have added the Sonatype Lift code quality analysis platform to the Camunda Community Hub. Sonatype Lift is a cloud-native, collaborative, code analysis platform built for developers. It analyzes each developer pull request to find and fix security, performance, reliability, and style issues, then reports them as comments in code review. To learn more about Sonatype Lift, please check out their wonderful data sheet or read this blog post.

The first step when using Sonatype Lift is to analyze your repository. If you would like to have your repository analyzed, please open an issue in your extension’s repository and assign it to @celanthe with a waiting-for-camunda issue label!

To learn more about getting started with Sonatype Lift, please visit: Getting Started.

We hope that this addition to the Camunda Community Hub improves your experience, and look forward to bringing more ways to manage dependencies, code security issues, and more to you in the future! If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out.