Spring boot application and JobExecutor not picking up jobs


I have a spring boot application with Camunda (7.8) embedded via the pom.xml:


I have a BPMN process that starts, has a ServiceTask and continues with another ServiceTask which has the folling property: camunda:asyncBefore=“true”. Later it goes on with a UserTask.

The behaviour I experience is the following:

  • While developing I use a spring profile called “dev”. This uses an in-memory database (h2) and it works fine. The JobExecutor picks up jobs. And the result I experience is that the processInstance is wating at the userTask

  • While running the application with a different profile, “staging” that makes use of a MariaDB database (version 10.2.14) the process is started, the first ServiceTask is executed but then the process stays waiting to execute the second ServiceTask (camunda:asyncBefore=“true”). The Camunda cockpit indicates that we are waiting exactly on that ServiceTask

The JobExecutor log shows that it is not picking up any job:

DEBUG 3852 --- [ingJobExecutor]] org.camunda.bpm.engine.jobexecutor       : ENGINE-14012 Job acquisition thread woke up
DEBUG 3852 --- [ingJobExecutor]] org.camunda.bpm.engine.jobexecutor       : ENGINE-14022 Acquired 0 jobs for process engine 'default': []
DEBUG 3852 --- [ingJobExecutor]] org.camunda.bpm.engine.jobexecutor       : ENGINE-14011 Job acquisition thread sleeping for 59940 millis

Note that in dev and staging I have the following spring property set, which generates the DDL at each start:


Can somebody give me a hint that could explain this behaviour?

I must signal that under “Supported Environments” only MariaDB 10.0 (and not 10.2) is listed. Could this be the reason for the experienced behaviour?

Thanks :slight_smile:

I managed (thanks Docker) to run the same enviroment using MariaDB version 10.0.35 and it works as expected. So I guess the behaviour is somehow related to MariaDB 10.2.X, in my case with X=14)