I have create spring boot application for the shared engine by following below link,
After deploying to the external tomcat server I was able to start the process and see the service task invoked successfully. But when I add the custom form to the “Form Key” of the the Start Event I’m getting below error,
I’m new to Camunda, exploring different options to create and deploy custom process. We want to use the shared engine for different process so that’s why I’m trying to deploy this sample springboot project to validate everything works good.
Also created different project with “camunda-archtype-servlet-war” archtype and deploy to same tomcat everything works good but want to try the springboot approach in shared engine since we have to integrate with external database and other system so we can utilize some of the springboot features.
We are in early stage doing proof-of-concept to explore different approaches. So if you think springboot for shared engine is not right approach then we will take the approach of “servlet-war”.
Generally I would suggest that you can either go one of two ways.
If you want to use tomcat, put the engine in tomcat and you should deploy build and deploy a war file with your models and business logic
If you want to use spring boot you can embed the engine, models and business logic all into the same spring boot app, and just start that up instead of deploying it to anything.
There are a lot of other options as well, but if you’re using Java as your main business logic language, these are two pretty good options.
I’m having the same issue.
Is there a Spring Boot example project that allows the generation of a WAR package to deploy on the Camunda Tomcat standalone project?
The client (Enterprise Edition client) built the environment with the Tomcat download from camunda nexus… Do I Have to throw the Spring Boot away? This is kinda crazy.
It depends - you have a bunch of options. But you should be aware that you should EITHER use spring boot OR use tomcat, so you can either convert your spring boot project into a deployable process application for tomcat OR you can just deploy the spring boot application instead of the tomcat one and add any implementation already done in the existing tomcat one to the spring boot project.
Lucky them! With an enterprise license comes enterprise support If your client would like help from our consulting or support teams they simply need to make a request and they’ll get lots of help. This is a public forum for the community where i help people out of the goodness of my heart.
Don’t count your chickens just yet! 2021 has lots of months left, simply create a feature request!
I’ll take that as a complement to our hard working sales representatives i guess
I already followed it. And my error is “Form failure: The context path is either empty or not defined”.
This tutorial is the same as mentioned by the OP of this thread.
The form path in the BPMN file is correct ( embedded:app:forms/event_review.html ).
When running everything from Spring Boot, the form works.
When I build a WAR, defining all the JARs that are already in Camunda Tomcat as ‘provided’ at the pom.xml and using the “hack” in the tutorial to attach the project to the Camunda Engine that is running in Tomcat, the Forms do not work anymore.
I tried used Maven War Plugin, Spring Boot Maven Plugin. I tried following bits and pieces from another “similar” blog post:
There must be some configuration that allows the static files available in the Spring Boot WAR to be located by the Camunda Engine. And this is where the mistery is. Why does the WAR file generated from Spring Boot does not “show” the forms to the Camunda Engine? Is there any static file configuration required to make this work?
I don’t have enough experience to get to the root of WHY Camunda is not able to locate the static forms inside my Spring Boot WAR.
But it does not matter. Nothing really works well. Using the tutorial mentioned by OP, I can’t run the project locally as Spring Boot, because the context cannot be injected.