Spring Event Bridge Understanding

Hi Team,
When I try to use Spring Event Bridge. When first User Task is getting created. Below is the result I got. Here I attached Java code & BPMN. Can anyone help me on this to understand how its happening ?

handle history event
handle mutable execution event
handle immutable execution event
handle history event
handle mutable execution event
handle immutable execution event
handle history event
handle mutable execution event
handle immutable execution event
handle mutable execution event
handle immutable execution event
handle history event
handle mutable execution event
handle immutable execution event
handle history event
handle history event
handle mutable task event
handle immutable task event
handle history event

Why these many times its getting called each method ?

Java Program:
public class SpringEventListener {
public void onTaskEvent(DelegateTask taskDelegate) {
// handle mutable task event
System.out.println(“handle mutable task event”);

  public void onTaskEvent(TaskEvent taskEvent) {
    // handle immutable task event
	  System.out.println("handle immutable task event");

  public void onExecutionEvent(DelegateExecution executionDelegate) {
    // handle mutable execution event
	  System.out.println("handle mutable execution event");

  public void onExecutionEvent(ExecutionEvent executionEvent) {
    // handle immutable execution event
	  System.out.println("handle immutable execution event");
  public void onHistoryEvent(HistoryEvent historyEvent) {
    // handle history event
	  System.out.println("handle history event");

spring-events.bpmn (2.9 KB)

Are you working with @mackross ?
This looks to be similar to the code posted in Spring event bridge not firing task listener on manual tasks

The additional fields that @mackross is logging show what the individual events actually are, which will likely give you more information on what the events actually reflect.

Also have a look at:

Some of your log events will be related to the start event ending, some of them will be related to your User Task being created.

No @GotnOGuts .
I was working seperately. I don’t see that conversation is match to mine.
I have simple user task and trying to understand the listener. But I see Listerners & each method got triggered multiple times and no ordered maintain…
So trying to understand the flow when each method will call ?