Spring Zeebe - Deployment Attribute - Connectivity Error in a containerised environment

We have an error with the Spring Zeebe client containerised and deployed on an aws environment. Everything works as expected when we don’t have the deployment attribute. Whenever the below line is added, we get an error that the project couldn’t start,

@Deployment(resources = “classpath*:/models/.”)

This issue disappears when the above line is commented and everything works fine. We have validated that when the Deployment attribute is commented, then the app starts and we are able to create instances on the zee instance.

Also, this issue doesn’t come up in the local dev environment.

Below is a part of the stack trace. But the error is that, the client is timing out waiting for connection.

io.camunda.zeebe.client.api.command.ClientStatusException: deadline exceeded after 7.301461332s. [closed=[], open=[[buffered_nanos=7400827748, waiting_for_connection]]]
at ………
io.camunda.zeebe.spring.client.annotation.processor.ZeebeDeploymentAnnotationProcessor.lambda$start$7(ZeebeDeploymentAnnotationProcessor.java:119) ~[spring-zeebe-8.1.13.jar:8.1.13]
Caused by: java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: io.grpc.StatusRuntimeException: DEADLINE_EXCEEDED: deadline exceeded after 7.301461332s. [closed=[], open=[[buffered_nanos=7400827748, waiting_for_connection]]]
at …………….
io.camunda.zeebe.client.impl.ZeebeClientFutureImpl.join(ZeebeClientFutureImpl.java:48) ~[zeebe-client-java-8.1.5.jar:8.1.5]
… 30 common frames omitted

It would seem that the issue lies in the dockerisation.

I would examine the build and deploy process to find what is different, and examine the produced artefacts.

Steps I would take: dockerise and run locally (eliminates ‘deployed on aws environment’).

If that still fails, then it is probably the build process used during Dockerisation.


Hi @Josh, The dockersiation works perfect on windows machines, while the same fails on a MAC. Looks like something about the build, I am trying to reproduce this issue, will keep my observations posted.

As an interim solution, the team is deploying the artefacts via a Kubernetes startup probe at the moment.