I’m trying to porting a SpringBoot application from Camunda 7.8 to Camunda 7.14.
According to ‘Spring Boot Version Compatibility’ page
in my pom.xml file the Camunda 7.14 properties are:
and dependencies are:
Then according to Camunda ‘Update from 7.12 to 7.13’ page
the default application path is changed:
- Old Application Path: /rest
- New Application Path: /engine-rest
- Old Application Path: /
- New Application Path: /camunda
The application works fine but when I try to use the REST API by curl commands doens’t work.
For instance the following command:
curl -X GET -H "Content-Type: application/json"
not works because the base path “/engine-rest” not exist. I retrieve a bad request:
{"timestamp":"2020-12-17T11:09:49.622+00:00","status":404,"error":"Not Found","message":"","path":"/engine-rest/history/process-instance"}
While, with the Camunda 7.8 version, the same command with the base path “/rest” works fine:
curl -X GET -H "Content-Type: application/json"
I have also added the Spring Actuator and enabled the “mappings” endpont in order to discovery the camunda REST base path…but I doesn’t find it.
Could You please help me to fix the problem?
Thanks in advance,