How do we interact with standalone process engine server in camunda,I know rest api’s can be used but is there any sample that I could follow?
Could you please let me know which example to follow in that link and one sample rest call that I can make , and do we need to deploy it to server ?how does it actually work??
lets go back to basics a little. To use an analogy, consider a relational database as a standalone RDBMS engine. To use it you need to craft some SQL. However before you can craft some SQL, you need to define some tables.
Hence the Camunda engine is a Process engine. You typically need to deploy a process to get something useful.
If you have downaloaded and installed the pre-packaged solutions, then there will be a few sample processes (and decisions/Cases) already deployed to the engine.
If you particularly want to excercise the REST API, then I suggest you need a REST client (I often use RestMan as part of a Chrome deployment). To get started, consider copying and pasting the examples which are recorded in the REST API documentation.
A good place to start may be to get deployed process definitions.
Once you have the key for a process definition from above, you could use it for example to start a process instance
Yes I have followed the sample processes and loan approval example,I tried some rest API calls using postman but I was not able to start a process through post request ,and one question I have is ,so to make a rest API call we need to deploy our process into camunda engine,I have tried it with camunda tomcat,so to deploy our process into a stand alone camunda engine, how can I achieve that.? Sorry for the very basic questions but I want to get them in a right way
To deploy your own process into the engine, you basically have three choices;
- Build a process application and deploy via a war file deployment in the container.
- Upload your bpmn file via the cockpit deployment upload
- Deploy you bpmn file via a REST API call
I would probably start with option 1 as options 2 and 3 have some additional detailed understanding to know what will and won’t work. Creating a war file is simple if you have the Eclipse IDE and Camunda maven templates installed as you can create a maven shell project which will build and deploy out of the box. Hence just add your process into this application and you will be able to deploy your process. Details of the IDE setup etc can be found in the getting stated guides.
Perhaps this online training may also be of use…
I have followed the 1st one already and deployed the war file into tomcat,i was able to get process definition , task,etc.will try the 3rd one. Thanks for your guidance and yes I followed the basic tutorials but I had some confusion,it’s cleared now.thanks a ton!!
hi guys, i am looking for a tutorial that help me to deploy in cloud multi engines like microservices in GCP. Any help ?
Also i will need to modify the camunda core to add some lines to work with my security app.
It that possible ?
Thank you
Any help ?
Hi @Gonzalo_Burgardt,
you can deploy an engine with multiple isolated environments. That concept is called multi-tenancy. You can read up on that here:
Is that what you are looking for?
Regarding you changing the engine in order to work with your app you canof course fork the github project and hack away!
We have a security guide for the engine if that helps you with your project:
Hope I could help.
Hi @Miklas,
I appreciate your help. I will check the links, but my idea is, have only one frontend and backend for the WorkFlows, is that possible ? One Front calling to backends.
I am looking for the best schema to improve performance and scalability.
And also i will like to know, how bigest the database could be. Because currently we have a giant data base with performance problems, so we are looking for the good solution.
Hello friends…,
I have one doubt, please clarify anyone…
When would you recommend a Standalone Remote Engine…?
- If you need a centralized workflow server across applications, then standalone setup is recommended.
- Your architecture or applications are not Java based.
- You can make a rest api call to remote engine to start instances, complete task, fetch tasks, etc.
- For security, your BPM platform is separated from applications.
- Your architecture or applications are not Java based.
- Less development effort
Hello @aravindhrs
Thanks for your reply…!
Hi @aravindhrs , @GotnOGuts @Gonzalo_Burgardt
I went through your answers and Docs but I am confuse with my options ,
I have same doubt , when would you recommend a Standalone Remote Engine
a. If I have only java delegates = wrong
b. If I have to care about transactional service invocation = not sure
c. If I use a programming language not running on a JVM. = wrong
d. If I have no control over the containers hosting the delegate code = not sure
Can you give some idea @aravindhrs
Thanks in Advance