When deploying in my wildfly, I’m getting the following exception:
start event of event subprocess must be of type ‘error’, ‘message’, ‘timer’, ‘signal’, ‘compensation’ or ‘escalation’ | hello.bpmn | line 96 | column 43: org.camunda.bpm.engine.ProcessEngineException: ENGINE-09005 Could not parse BPMN process.
By that, I understand a subprocess cannot be a conditional start event?
By the provided sample, it doesn’t mention how to trigger the subprocess. Can you provide some example/link on how to do it?
I’m attaching the bpmn created from the video. hello.bpmn (13.7 KB)
Welcome to the forum,
This process has a call activity - can you upload the process that is being called by the Call Activity, i think that might be causing the problem.
So i was able to deploy that model without any problems… so i don’t think that’s the issue.
Are you sure that the model you uploads is the same one you’re trying to deploy?
That’s I’m sure. I generated the MD5 and they matched:
MD5 (SimpleDemo.war) = b418c1fa84c9ddff9ee3162ab56bc948
From your reply, I did some changes because I thought different bpmn files in different .war files with the same name would be an issue but it wasn’t as I’m still facing the issue. I’m sending the new war file (just renamed the bpmn files) and the wildfly logs.
New file MD5: MD5 (SimpleDemo-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.war) = c9b1eb8702bdd65c4b3f72bbe8181cf5