Start Process by Message for a Tenant

Is it possible to start a process using the Java API via a message event but for a specific tenant only?

I’m currently calling this in a non-tenanted environment:

ProcessInstance processInstance = processEngine.getRuntimeService()
    .startProcessInstanceByMessage(message, businessKey, processVariables);

I can’t see any overloaded methods that allow me to pass a tenantId in though…

The only way I can see to do it is to ensure that the message name is unique across tenants, or it is manually name-spaced somehow (postfixed with tenant name, for example).

Or am I missing something?

Thanks Steve


Ignore me, I think I’m being stupid… Start message names need to be unique across processes anyway.

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Don’t be so hard on yourself @steve - it happens to the best of us.

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I dont see thats the case…accross tenants , same name can be there