Start with Camunda 7 tomcat / send email


can someone explain to me how to program sending mail using Camunda 7 tomcat? Sorry, I have no experience at all, so I need a step-by-step explanation. It is very important and urgent…
I tried to use an example GitHub - camunda-community-hub/camunda-platform-7-mail: Mail connectors for Camunda Platform 7

but I don’t understand… it says “Add camunda-bpm-mail-core-1.5.1.jar to your application server (e.g. apache-tomcat-8.0.24\lib).” but i can’t find this .jar file.

Now I have project like this

What I need to do?

I have process like this:

The marked task must send a letter. In the step before this, the user (id) is selected, the mail should be sent to this user’s mail.

Camunda 8 works fine (I found an example GitHub - NPDeehan/SendEmailCamunda8Example: This is an example project that shows how you can send an email using Camunda Cloud) but I need on Camunda 7…

Maybe @jonathan.lukas you can help? In github I see your name…

What am I doing wrong?

  1. I downloaded the jar file from the internet because I couldn’t find it on github…
  2. I configured the task.
    And I get an error: file looks like:

I placed it on the server in the conf folder.

Task looks like:

Problem solved. If it will be relevant to someone in the future, the actions to be taken:

  1. Add the jar file in the lib folder of the server.

  2. Copy the file to the server’s conf folder.

  3. add the line:
    in the server’s bin folder, to the setenv.bat file.

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Glad that issue was solved but remember it is 2024 and one simply donot download jars from Internet. Security risk is too high.

Here are some trusted resources :

Maven Repository: org.camunda.bpm.extension » camunda-bpm-mail-core » 1.5.1 (

You can extract it from the zip attached in Github Release page as well.

Release 1.5.1 · camunda-community-hub/camunda-platform-7-mail (


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