Still are impressed about this function for rapid prototyping.
Does anyone know if it is planned / available for selfmanaged as well?
Kind regards,
Hi @asys3,
Public processes via start forms are currently not available for Self-Managed. However, we’re evaluating the demand for this functionality to prioritize for future releases.
What would be your use cases?
You mentioned rapid prototyping. Do you see it being used only for development and testing or for production as well?
Hi @Volodymyr_Melnyk,
I have both usecases. For myself it would be nice for rapid prototyping and exposing a web based process start opportunity.
But in my company we also have the scenario to give a customer a individual link to a web page where he can enter some data to start a process.
Would be nice to have that in selfmanaged.
@asys3 Thank you for the clarification!
For your company’s scenario, you mentioned that you need to give an individual link to a customer. Just to better understand your requirements, would this link be intended for an authenticated user, or should it be publicly accessible?
@Volodymyr_Melnyk in our scenario it is an unauthorized, individual link only. Could imagine authorized cases as well, of course.
@asys3 Thank you! We will evaluate this functionality for future releases!