Strange behaviour of Process Instance Modification in Camunda 7.8.4 (compared to 7.6.2)

We recently migrated from Camunda 7.6.2 to 7.8.4.
Since then, we have experienced a bunch of problems because of subtle changes in semnatics of process instance modification (PIM).
When a PIM results in the ending of a process, the process now gets marked as canceled. If the process was called by another process the call activity also gets cancelled, effectively also killing the parent process.
The PIM was performed by first canceling the running activities of the process and then starting the end Event using “start before”, as worked very well in 7.6.2.

When a process instance modification results in the ending of a process, “end” listeners on the end event of the process are called twice, “start” Listeners of the end event are still correctly only called once.
The second call to the listener was executed through an “delete-cascade-fire-activity-end” Operation (according to the resulting camunda error log) so I guess the root cause of both problems is the same.

Process Instance modifications were performed through the UI. The options “Skip Custom Listeners”/ “Skip IO Mappings” were deselected.

I could not find any documentation on this changes, has anybody else experienced these problems?
Is it possible to downgrade from 7.8.4 back to 7.6.2?
Any possible solutions?

best regards,

According to Camunda Support this is a known bug (
I will Upgrade to 7.8.5 and test again.

Upgrade to 7.8.5 solved the issues.

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