Stuck in Conditional Intermediate Catch with condition true

We tested our process with 1000 instances, and got only 5 stuck in a conditional intermediate catch. The condition is already satisfied but the process instance never continue.

This Conditional Event has Async After set true, and a condition like this:
${execution.hasVariable(“myVariable”) && myVariable== true}

I can see the “myVariable” is already true in cockpit.

In the table ACT_RU_EVENT_SUBSCR i have rows for EVENT_TYPE conditional, but the JOB and TASKs table is already empty.

Yesterday we made this changes in our config:

queue-size: 5
core-pool-size: 5
max-pool-size: 10
keep-alive-time: 0
type: mysql
create: all
id-generator: strong
history-level: none
jobExecutorAcquireByDueDate: true

And created the index for DUEDATE_ ASC on table ACT_RU_JOB.

Any thoughs on why this is happening?

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I realise a long time has passed since this post but we are experiencing the same issue when our system is stress tested.

Did you, or any one else, find a solution to this?