Subcription script wont work after long term running

Subcription script wont work after long term running

Hi,. i have a simple bpmn process running on camunda on ubuntu contains two service task. i subscribe to topics and it work and complete those service tasks when they active. but after log time, lets say for 1 or 2 days of running subscription script when a token arrives to a service task in process it seems the subscription wont work on script side. and after i restart the service subscription by killing the node process that create subscription then it work just fine.
Note: i use foreverjs to start subscriptoin to topic in background. besides i also use node script.js to run subscription and after 1 day it does not track new arrived topics.

import {
} from "camunda-external-task-client-js";
client.subscribe("topicName", async function ({ task, taskService }) {
  //do some async stuff in herer
 await task.complete(task);

again it works fine for atleast 10 hours. and after one or two days then not work.
can any one help me please? i am stuck with it. thanks