Subprocess loop

I’ve create simple process with subprocess loop:


I would like control loop by process variable:
testLoopCondition - boolean set false after finished all execution loops

Definition subproces in definition looks:

<bpmn:subProcess id="_SubProcess" name="SubProcess" camunda:asyncBefore="true">
    <camunda:in variables="all" />
    <camunda:out variables="all" />
      <camunda:property name="loopCondition" value="$(testLoopCondition1}" />
    <bpmn:loopCondition xsi:type="bpmn:tFormalExpression">${testLoopCondition}</bpmn:loopCondition>
  <bpmn:startEvent id="_startSubTask" camunda:asyncBefore="true">
  <bpmn:endEvent id="_endSubtask" camunda:asyncAfter="true">
  <bpmn:sequenceFlow id="SequenceFlow_0mlhe5u" sourceRef="_startSubTask" targetRef="_looperTask" />
  <bpmn:sequenceFlow id="SequenceFlow_17zd2oj" sourceRef="_looperTask" targetRef="_endSubtask" />
  <bpmn:serviceTask id="_looperTask" name="LooperTask" camunda:delegateExpression="${looper}">
        <camunda:outputParameter name="counter">${counter}</camunda:outputParameter>

When I’ve started this process looper task executed only one even testLoopCondition still be true.

What can I do wrong, or where can I found more information about definition loops in subprocess?

I know that this part of subproces can be recreated to:


General it’s part on bigger process for sequential send messages from list.

Regards Marcin

The Loop attribute is not supported in the engine. You have to use your gateway pattern to do the looping