Table for saving history of each task

Hi All,

I want to ask is there any history table in camunda that saving start date time and end date time of each activity/task completed. I use community version right now, is it possible to get that data if I use community version?and if yes in which table or some configuration that must I use to get the data?


Check out this docu for Camunda’s historic database Schema: Database Schema |

Back in the days I exported these kind of metrics via Prometheus to Grafana in order to visualise them. You can find some pretty nice examples by @StephenOTT!

Besides you could of course query the historic database or use the rest api. :slight_smile:
Let me know if that answers your question!


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The Prometheus specific app is replaced with: GitHub - StephenOTT/Camunda-Monitoring: Monitor anything you can query in a Camunda BPM engine. Monitor KPIs, metrics, and any business performance

which implements micrometer so you can use any number of reporting engines: Micrometer Application Monitoring see #3

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