Task assignment not persisted

When assigning a task to a user I don’t see the assignee column in act_ru_task getting updated. When retrieving the same task again the assignee is empty.


Task task = this.taskService.createTaskQuery().taskId(id).singleResult();
Logger.info("task is assigned to {}", task.getAssignee());

Logger.info("Assigning task ... ");
Logger.info("task is assigned to {}", task.getAssignee());

Logger.info("Retrieving task again ... ");
task = this.taskService.createTaskQuery().taskId(id).singleResult();
Logger.info("task is assigned to {}", task.getAssignee());


[info] application - task is assigned to null
[info] application - Assigning task ...
[info] application - task is assigned to some_user
[info] application - Retrieving task again ...
[info] application - task is assigned to null

How to solve this? Is there a command to commit the task update?

I think its because you did not save the task instance to the persistence data store.

taskService.saveTask(task). Do this before your second task query