Lately, I have been taking a look at camunda to set up a small CMMN model. However, I am having some trouble getting the model to work. I have spent all day trying to get deployment errors out of the model until it finally came online in the tasklist. Still I am not sure whether the IfPart conditions are configured correctly as I cannot go through the forms.
Note: I have had to remove the condition of the sentry on the left of the first stage as I could not configure the condition. This condition is that when the case starts, that this stage comes active. I need this as I want to have the one entry criterion connected with the exit criterion.
If anyone could look at the XML Schema, the expressions and in a perfect world how I would integrate a task form, that would be much, much appreciated.
The forms I had prepared are in the src/main/webapp/forms folder as an HTML file. I referred to these as “embedded:app:forms/FORMNAMEHERE” as well as “FORMNAMEHERE.html” and even in the XML Schema as "formkey=“app:FORMNAMEHERE.html”.
(Even when I removed all Form Keys from the tasks, I could not make a form on the camunda tasklist ad-hoc. It told me there was an external form which I could not access.)
As I had some problems setting up a new Maven project, I decided to build further on the already established project from the walkthrough. Here is my model:
Loan application.cmmn (11.6 KB)
Many thanks,
Forms are below as I could not upload more files.
This is the form of the first human task and would trigger the exit criterion if the task completes.
In deze enquete vragen wij u om aan te geven of u het eens bent met de statements die wij aan u voorleggen. Op deze manier kunnen wij peilen hoe onze medewerkers ervoor staan. Met deze informatie kunnen wij verbeterpunten opstellen indien nodig.
Overall <label for="areyouproudtoworkforacme"=>Are you proud to work for ACME?</label>
<br><select class="form-control" name="areyouproudtoworkforacme" cam-variable-type="select"
cam-variable-name="areyouproudtoworkforacme" type="select">
<option value="1">Completely disagree</option>
<option value="2">Disagree</option>
<option value="3">Neutral</option>
<option value="4">Agree</option>
<option value="5">Completely agree</option></select> <br>
<label for="doyouoftenthinkoflookingforajobatanothercompany"=>Do you often think of looking for a job at another company?</label>
<br><select class="form-control" name="doyouoftenthinkoflookingforajobatanothercompany" cam-variable-type="select"
cam-variable-name="doyouoftenthinkoflookingforajobatanothercompany" type="select">
<option value="1">Completely disagree</option>
<option value="2">Disagree</option>
<option value="3">Neutral</option>
<option value="4">Agree</option>
<option value="5">Completely agree</option></select> <br>
<label for="doyouseeyourselfworkingforacmeintwoyearstime"=>Do you see yourself working for ACME in two years' time?</label>
<br><select class="form-control" name="doyouseeyourselfworkingforacmeintwoyearstime" cam-variable-type="select"
cam-variable-name="doyouseeyourselfworkingforacmeintwoyearstime" type="select">
<option value="1">Completely disagree</option>
<option value="2">Disagree</option>
<option value="3">Neutral</option>
<option value="4">Agree</option>
<option value="5">Completely agree</option></select> <br>
<label for="doyouhaveanycommentsingeneral"=>Do you have any comments in general?</label>
<br><input class="form-control" name="doyouhaveanycommentsingeneral" cam-variable-type="Long"
cam-variable-name="doyouhaveanycommentsingeneral" type="Long">
_____________________________________________________________ The next form is designed for the human task 'Enquete valideren'. Its value, which can be 'ja' (yes) or 'no' (no) would determine whether the exit criterion "exitevaluerenentry" will be triggered, or the entry criterion "Entryevaluerenenquete" to enable the task "Enquete evalueren"
The third form has a select which would trigger the stage “Acties tot verbetering” if evaluated to ‘ja’ (yes).
In deze enquete vragen wij u om aan te geven of u het eens bent met de statements die wij aan u voorleggen. Op deze manier kunnen wij peilen hoe ozne medewerkers ervoor staan. Met deze informatie kunnen wij verbeterpunten opstellen indien nodig.