Task options stop showing

Hello. I am new to this so I must be doing something wrong. When I create a file everything works fine. But after a while, if I click on an element, I can see the dotted lines around it, but I won’t get the palette of options any more. I can still add other elements from the bar on the left, delete elements, and add text to what is there. But I can’t connect elements because I don’t have that option any more.

In the first screenshot, I have the element selected but no other options appear. Normally, when I select an element, it should show a palette with other options.

If you zoom out too far the context menu disappears.
So you just need to zoom in a bit

I closed camunda and reopened it and everything seems to be working normally now. I think the problem started after I did a “File Save As”. I had this problem on my mac and switched over windows and had the same problem. This may or may not be a bug but it is really annoying.

I see. That’s good to know. Thank you.