Is there is an option to reassign a task in Camunda(7.19,8.6) TaskList
Hi @Ashwini_Kumar, welcome to the forums! Yes, you can reassign tasks in both. The steps are different in each, and are also available via the API:
- C7: see the documentation here - you can reassign tasks in the UI.
- C8: in C8, the user would need to unassign the task from themselves in Tasklist and the other use can claim it, or use the API with the
In Camunda 7 as per the attached document, “Unclaim a task by hitting the button next to the username of a claimed task and reassign a task to a different user by clicking on the username and inserting the username of the user you want to assign the task to”, when I insert the username is it possible for tasklist to reject the assignment if the user belongs to a different candidate group then the candidate group to which the task is assigned to?
Since Camunda 8 does not offer this feature and we need to use APIs, is it better to go with a custom tasklist then using the Camunda 7 tasklist as I need to migrate to Camunda 8 after an year or so and reassignment is a primary business requirement. Reassignment by a manager to different users is a primary business requirement.
@Ashwini_Kumar - I don’t believe reassignment is limited to candidate group members. As for the rest, it depends a lot on your specific requirements and how you’re using the platform. You could certainly write a custom Tasklist that would support all your needs; the benefit of this approach is that you have full control. I can share that task reassignment for managers is a feature that is being discussed by the product team, but there is no target release/ETA for the feature yet.
Thanks @nathan.loding for the quick response. I just have one follow up question
If I want to restrict reassignment to members of the candidate group to which that task is assigned to. Is that possible in Camunda 7.
To summarize your answer with respect to reassignment in Camunda 8, if reassignment for managers is required then building a custom tasklist is the preferred solution.
@Ashwini_Kumar - I admit, I’m not sure if that’s possible with C7. I would recommend opening a topic in the C7 category on the forum specifically about this. There are many C7 users who can jump in with their expertise.
For C8, it depends a bit on your timeline, but based on what you’ve shared, a custom Tasklist might be the best fit. This gives you full control over any special requirements your business may need, while still leveraging the full power of BPMN and Camunda.
Thank you @nathan.loding for your response. I will post a question on Camunda 7 forum for help.