Tenant option is missing in Camunda 8 (in identity UI)

Tenant option is missing in Camunda 8 (in identity UI)-
I want to add tenants in identity as mentioned in the docs

But tenant options is not showing please help me out.
Attaching screenshot for the same.

Hi @Manish_Tiwari
What is the exact version of Camunda that you use? Did you enable multitenancy during the deployment?


I am using 8.4.3.

Did you enable multitenancy during the deployment?

yes… I have enabled… let me recheck configuration again.
will get back

Added multitenant option in identity. Could you please help me how to add it in modeler?

How you’ve enabled it? Do you use a Helm chart like the following?

    enabled: true

@Manish_Tiwari - did you enable multi-tenancy for all the components, as outlined here?

yes… it is enabled. Tenants tab is visible in identity and I added in 2 tenants as well .
But how to use them? where and how to pass tenancy id through modeler/application ?

I am getting below error:
Expected to handle gRPC request DeployResource with tenant identifier ‘’, but no tenant identifier was provided.

Thi is a screenshot from my desktop modeler version 5.21.0

From which service you have taken client id and client secret?
for example below service are running with client id and secret.

I have tried with zeebe but it saying no tenant found.
Error while deploying from modeler-
Expected to handle gRPC request DeployResource with tenant identifier ‘camunda-team’, but tenant could not be retrieved from the request context [ deploy-error ]

Here is my modeler passing the camunda-team as tenant with zeebe client details.

these tenants created in identity.

you mentioned that “Added multitenant option in identity.” but did you enable it for Zeebe, for example, and all other components?

Can you share how exactly you enabled multitenancy? If it’s the values file of the helm chart then please share it.

docker-compose.yaml (15.5 KB)
Please find my docker-compose file.

Hoping Enabling is correct for all the services mentioned.
I want to know how I can use tenant while deploying or how can I use in my spring boot application. Do you any reference (git hub code)

Hi Alex,

Provided the file in the above post… Could you please check and help

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