[Test] I'm testing something

This is just a test. Please ignore this topic.

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This is a test post message from a connector.

This is a test post message from a connector.

This is a test post message from a connector.

This is a test post message from a connector. @Niall

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SAIG0_FORUM_1 registered for the Camunda SpaceTraders challenge. :rocket: (Next server restart is on 2023-09-09T16:00:00.000Z.)

@Philipp_Ossler registered as agent SAIG0_09_08_1 for the Camunda SpaceTraders challenge. :wave: (Next server restart: 2023-09-09T16:00:00.000Z)

Agent SAIG0_09_08_1 accepted the first contract to deliver 96000 ALUMINUM_ORE. :handshake:

Agent SAIG0_09_08_1 purchased the first ship of type EXCAVATOR. :rocket:

Agent SAIG0_09_08_1 arrived at an asteroid field. :rock:

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Agent SAIG0_09_08_1 mined the first ore of type QUARTZ_SAND. :pick:

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Agent SAIG0_09_08_1 delivered the first goods 3 ALUMINUM_ORE to the contract. :coin:

@ registered as agent SAIG0_09_08_2 for the Camunda SpaceTraders challenge. :wave: (Next server restart: 2023-09-09T16:00:00.000Z)

Agent SAIG0_09_08_2 accepted the first contract to deliver 110000 ALUMINUM_ORE. :handshake:

Agent SAIG0_09_08_2 registered for the Camunda SpaceTraders challenge. :wave: (Next server restart: 2023-09-09T16:00:00.000Z)

@philipz registered as agent PHILIPZ for the Camunda SpaceTraders challenge. :wave: (Next server restart: 2023-10-14T16:00:00.000Z)

Agent ALIENCOMMANDER registered for the Camunda SpaceTraders challenge. :wave: (Next server restart: 2023-11-18T16:00:00.000Z)

Agent ALIENCOMMANDER mined the first ore of type SILICON_CRYSTALS, COPPER_ORE. :pick:

Agent ALIENCOMMANDER purchased the first ship of type EXCAVATOR. :rocket: