The Springboot Zeebe Client is no responding

Hi Camunda Team,
I built a springboot project with springboot (2.5.2) , springcloud(2020.0.2) and spring-zeebe-starter (1.2.7) and my zeebe cluster is self-managed and version is 8.5.1.

Here is my properties of zeebe:

Here is my code snippet:

@ZeebeWorker(type = "ab-done-worker")
public void completeNotice(final JobClient client, final ActivatedJob job) {
    // do something 


I can create a process instance by io.camunda.zeebe.spring.client.ZeebeClientLifecycle that means the application can communicate with the zeebe server. But the method completeNotice is not invoked when the flow node which type is ab-done-worker is arrived.


Hi @i.m.superman - I believe this is due to version incompatibilities. spring-zeebe-starter v1.2.7 is from 2021, while Camunda 8.5.1 is from 2024. You want to be using spring-zeebe-starter >=8.5.0, which also requires Spring Boot >=3.x.x. (version compatibility matrix)

It’s also worth noting that the spring-zeebe-starter package is deprecated and is being replaced with a new package. You can read more about it in the spring-zeebe readme, and on this page:

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Hi @nathan.loding
Thanks for the support. The problem has been solved.

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