There is no file(file upload) component in form components

I want to upload a file from external computer to the camunda system by user. But there is no component in the form that uses for uploading a file. Is there any option that i can use for uploading?

Hi @Abdulaziiz - correct, there is no file upload capabilities in Zeebe or Tasklist yet. It is something that is currently being developed. The usual recommendation is to not store large amounts of data, like a file, in the running process; instead, it should be uploaded to another system and referenced with an ID within the process.

Thank you @nathan.loding - How can i do this?

Hey @Abdulaziiz,

The simplest way is to use a Connector for your document management system, like Google Drive. You can browse Connectors on our Marketplace here.

Here’s a blog post about using a Connector to handle files in the cloud:

Thank you @miamoore - I will look for it.