Time Cycle event with timezone

Is there a way to configure a Timer Start Event with a cron expression, BUT with a specific Timezone?

I’m using the America/New_York which has Daylight Savings, which means that converting the time to UTC is not sufficient in my case

Hi @Haimon,

This is currently not possible. However, there are workarounds:
You can use ISO8601 for specification.
If this does not satisfy your requirements, you can follow your start event with an intermediate timer event, that uses FEEL to calculate a time-zone specific offset. Have a look at the following example to start some task every workday at noon in Germany:
timerExample.bpmn (3.5 KB)

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Yes, I did exactly that as a workaround and it worked.
Hoped for a neater solution.

I believe Spring 5.3 already implements ZonedDateTime, and it’s achievable to pass a “zone” to the @scehdule decorator.

I thank you for the response