Timer Boundary Event not working

I am using Timer Boundary Event on a user task. when the timer fires it sometimes works and sometimes gives errors like : ClassNotFound error for a listener associated to my task or an error related to javascript engine not found. The timer is completely not stable.

My usecase: I have a timer with 30 minutes period attached to a user task when the job is executed , it needs to move me from that user task to another user task. but when the job is executed is sometimes running as expected and most of times fail with these errors : ClassNotFound error for a listener associated to my task or an error related to javascript engine not found.

I feel that when the timer fires it doesn’t see any initialization for the camunda engine, So it can’t load the listener or camunda engine.

I am using:

  • Spring Boot
  • Kotlin
  • Camunda : 7.21.0-ee
  • Java 17
  • Gradle

Do you have any listeners attached to any of the symbols?

These are screenshots for the timer part. I am now attaching to it javascript code and sometimes it works and sometimes fails with error: Javascript engine not found.

Previously I was attaching listener , and it was sometimes working and sometimes giving error: class listener not found.

Do you have a cluster or is there just a single engine running?
Do you run javascript in other places?

It is single engine running and yes I am using javascript in decision table and it is working fine.

Do you need any more info from my side ?

Hello, gentlemen!
Mr @abahaai, welcome to the community!

I’m not sure if Camunda has this problem, but I’ve heard about some BPM tools that “get lost” when they have more than one input flow in the same task, causing conflicts.

For example, in your user task “Branch Inbox”, you have an input flow coming from the right, and an input flow coming from below from your timer… perhaps this could be causing some kind of conflict.


My suggestion is to always use an input flow for each task, and for this you can count on the help of gateways…

Try to create a model similar to the one I made below as an example, I’m not sure if this will solve your problem, but based on problems I’ve seen in other market tools, it might:

I hope I helped.

William Robert Alves

Hello William,

Thanks for sharing your knowledge but unfortunately I tried it out but it didn’t work and issue still exists.

Hey @abahaai , I don’t have a solution for you, but I’d suggest creating the most stripped down version of your process that exhibits this behaviour you are seeing. That could be a
process with only 2 user tasks arranged as in the screen grab of your first post. Upload this process and others in the community can then try and reproduce what you are seeing, This might help rule-out / rule-in certain causes that could be unique to your setup or be more general.