Timer Event is not executing as expected


I have a basic scenario as below:

After Parallel Gateway, I have added 2 “Timer Intermediate Catch Event” one with PT15S and another with PT1M but as you can see even though my machine time is showing 16:16, PT15S event is still active. Shouldn’t is move further to “Upload Document”?

I have added “sleep” in “Upload Document” service, so I am expecting that it should wait till 1M and then terminate but currently it is executing both paths successfully.

Am I missing something here?

Thank you

Hi @Kavita_Nalawade,

have a look at these post where the secnario was discussed: Timer not working in Camunda 7.5.3 using PT3S.

Hope this helps, Ingo

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Yes, Thank you, adding properties into bpm-platform.xml is working. So now once 15 seconds are over “Upload Document” activity is getting executed.

There is another issue though: I am putting “Upload Document” into wait state for 2 minutes, so ideally PT1M should get executed before and then process should get terminated but now “PT1M” waits till “Upload Document” service task is completed. So at the end get “Dossier Status” and “Close Dossier” both are executed.

Hi @Kavita_Nalawade,

how did you implement your service tasks? Java delegate or external tasks?

Cheers, Ingo

Hello @Ingo_Richtsmeier,

I have implemented all backend services in TIBCO BusinessWorks, and I am calling these APIs using “http-connector”.

Hi @Kavita_Nalawade,

what do you mean with

Could you please upload your BPMN file?

Cheers, Ingo

Can u help me to know, when the timer event gets end, once event triggered/started.